The Junor Family Tartan was based and developed from the Inverness District Tartan circa 1996. The blue-red
is in memory of all the Junors world-wide who paid the supreme sacrifice in times of war against an oppressor. The
sky blue and royal blue can be seen as the ever changing colours of the sea and the sky as Junors migrated to such places
as Australasia and the Americas. Whatever a migrant's hopes and ambitions were they are shown in the yellow stripe
for hope and prosperity. The "black" stripe can be seen as part of the name Black Isle from where Junors
also migrated from. Those wishing to obtain and wear the Junor Family Tartan should seek permission by contacting
me by e-mail. Registered with the Scottish Tartans World Register. Reference Number ST(Scottish Tartan)2611.
E-mail: research.enquiries@perth.almac.co.uk